Can we talk?

I almost hate to go here. Almost. But, hang with me for a minute, if you will.

Can we talk? There are many issues we could talk about these days. Do they affect people? Generally. Are they good or bad for some people? Yes and no. Do they have anything to do with the size of a person’s nose or what kind of car they drive? No — they don’t. What’s my point? Even though it might be on top of my head, my point is we have got to be able to talk to each other about what is going on.

We need to be able share our opinions, feelings, a couple verifiable facts, and maybe some creative, out of the box ideas on how to remedy this, or make that right…….. without attacking each other! Let me say that again, Without Attacking Each Other.

We are all living together on this rock, hurtling through space at about 1000 miles an hour. – Don’t you think, ok, I think it would be nice to live here with just a modicum of peace, acceptance, respect and understanding, basically because there is nowhere else to go. And that’s only one way to look at it.

Another way might be listening to a different point of view that could actually create a broader perspective. This doesn’t mean you have to agree. This doesn’t mean you have to change your mind. Or change someone else’s mind. What I’m suggesting is we come to an understanding of another point of view. Simple. Just an understanding.

We don’t have to like it. All we have to do is accept that this is a fellow human being’s personal viewpoint or opinion about a topic. We might want to ask questions about that viewpoint or opinion for our own clarification. Again, just the thought, not the person. No hating, no lashing out, no fighting, no talking about their mother. Discussion. Understanding.

It’s important that we have our thoughts. It’s important that we have our ideas. it’s important that we live with our values. It’s important that we respect everyone else’s rights to do the same. And it’s important to live with acceptance and respect.

Here’s a challenge. Talk to someone about something you may not agree on. Stay with the idea without bringing anything personal against the other, or anyone else. Try it for just a week. See how that feels. Get back to me on that.

Just sayin’.


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