Above the Fray?

These early days of summer sure seem to be hosting a fair amount of activity. This activity is generating all kinds of thoughts, feelings and emotions.  It makes me wonder, how can we manage our personal weather patterns with all that’s going on around us? 

I know a lot of you, very compassionate, caring people are very upset with what’s happening on a few levels. We’ll touch on just a couple.

But first, we have to accept this plain fact … It is happening. There isn’t anything we can do about it, really. Or, is there? And what might that be? 

Take a breath, step back and realize that it is affecting you in some way. Try to go past ‘I am upset about…’  and identify ’What exactly is getting me upset?’     These events have many facets, many levels.   What ones are the cause of your reaction.  Is it the lighting of the fuse?  In this case, a man died. Needlessly. Is it the bystanders, the apparent attempt at a cover up? Not enough was done? This has caused the scabs to be pulled off old wounds. People are mad. Protesting, rioting, looting. Getting hurt. Buildings and cars being burnt. People’s livelihoods are being lost. We’re still dealing with racism? Heck, we’re still dealing with COVID. Think of all these possibilities. I’m sure there are angles and levels I’ve not touched on.

Now, what -if anything- can you do about it? There probably isn’t much we can do big picture. Can you talk to the country? Will anyone listen? can you stop the rioting, etc? Can you prosecute where necessary? Think about it. What can you do? 

You may be familiar with the concept/saying that fighting for peace is like shouting for silence. It just brings us more of what we don’t want. One thing that we can all absolutely do is to keep ourselves in a place of peace. As in calm down!  This may get a little woo-woo, but hear me out.  The world and it’s situations don’t need any more angst. It doesn’t need more anger.  What the world needs is Peace.

What a great example Mother Earth gave us by showing how, with the peace and quiet that happened in the world because we all stayed home, how much healing happened. There’s a lesson there. This kind of Peace, this kind of healing starts within and spreads outward.  One thing we absolutely can do is to be that Peace pebble in the pond and watch that ripple of our presence flow outward. It may be a small thing, but what if everyone did it, one ripple becomes two, two becomes many, many becomes a wave. A wave of peace. Picture that. Feel that. 

This what we can do. And if you are guided to do more, please do it. 

Just sayin’

As always, I’m curious as your thoughts on this. 

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