What do you really want?

What do you think you want? Really want. I’m sure there is a list somewhere. It’s probably at least in your head. Let’s take a minute and talk about the reason behind the desire. 

Would you like a new car? ‘Course, who wouldn’t. But what would a new car do for you? Is it just to have the latest and greatest technology? Which could be great fun, of course… or do you want the security that comes with knowing you’ll get from point A to point B safely? 

How ‘bout a different place to live? Do you need or want more or different space? A different location? Or are you looking for that sanctuary that feeds you daily?  That warm honey feeling of ‘home’? 

High on many lists is a special relationship. Some are already in a relationship, but maybe it’s missing something. What are we missing? Someone to talk to, eat with, hold our place in line? Or are we looking for a connection with someone outside of us to help make us feel whole? 

The idea here, is that there is a usually a deeper more intimate reason behind all that we desire. If we take a minute and pay attention, we might find that we already have a lot of the feeling of what these ‘things’ bring us. With a little focus, we can know in our minds and bodies that we are safe. With a slight realignment of perception, we can be safe in our sanctuary wherever our bodies are. And with a little self love, we can have that wonderfully full feeling of wholeness. 

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have things we want, I’m suggesting that we can access the feeling behind them and live a happier more connected life with what we already have. Be grateful for what we have. Two last thoughts about that. First, having gratitude for the good we have attracts more of that good to us. Second, it’s hard, if not impossible to be grateful and be in a bad mood. And isn’t that feeling of contentment, security and love what we really really want?

Just sayin’