
There’s a lot of stuff going on this year. We’ve been dealing with COVID for 6 months and change and really, how close are we to the end of this? If that’s not enough, let’s spice it up with some fires over here, a dash of flooding over there, and just for fun, top it all off with an election that promises to be pretty ugly. And these are just the headlines. Are we having fun yet?

In the midst of all the outer insanity, what are you doing to take care of your inner self? During these types of adventures, many folks reach out, and as the caring people that you all are, make yourselves available, to make sure your family and friends are taken care of. But what are you doing for you? You can’t pour from an empty cup. Or, my favorite example is how the airlines always tell us to put the mask on ourselves first. I guess we’re not much good to anyone else if we’re not breathing.

Many of you have been engaging in some form of self-care, be it meditation, yoga, something. There are many ways to practice. How long have you been practicing? Well, it’s time to get into the game. For instance, if you’ve been practicing to find peace, now is the time to be The Peace. This is on my mind as I am participating in one of the many celebrations of the International Day of Peace on Monday the 21st. A day for the world to focus on Peace in all it’s many forms. 

Peace isn’t something we create, peace is something we fall into, open up to, allow in. We can’t make peace, peace is. 

Some time ago I saw a demonstration using a muddy glass of water that clearly illustrates how meditation clears the mind. As the glass sits still, the mud settles to the bottom, leaving the bulk of the water clear. 

See, our normal state of mind is muddy. We’re full of thoughts, we’re caught up in our normal fast-paced life, and our reactions and emotions are all over the place due to all the news and information coming at us from all directions. Our mind is stirred up, muddy. But when we let the mind rest…. The mud settles. 

                                   Muddy Water                                  Clear Water

Making an Effort 
Hurting Others

Being in the flow
Helping Others



Make sense? When we are calm, peaceful, and clear in this present moment, we are able to be at our best for whatever and whoever comes across our path. Being this vibration of peace is a good and powerful thing for all. Our vibration spreads like ripples on a pond. It washes over us like a cool breeze on a warm day. That’s a beautiful thing for the world right now. It’s a great example of the Butterfly Effect. You’re familiar with that? The butterfly flaps it’s wings in Japan, the wind blows in California.  Each one of us has the power to positively affect everything that goes on around us, and more, just by taking care of ourselves, flapping our wings, and being that peaceful energy. 




                                                            Just sayin’