Clearing off the desktop of my mind

I finished leading my first webinar on Tuesday, It was called “4½ Blocks (between where you are and where you want to be)”.  We had fun, we all learned alot and the people that attended said they got a lot of value from it. I’ll probably do something like that again.

I tried to watch the debate. Man! Discuss amongst yourselves.

It’s been fun to get out and play live music again, with folks, for folks. People really enjoy this, and I feel that sharing it is truly what it’s all about. I know some of you think the hokey pokey is what it’s all about, but community is what it’s really about. Live music supports and promotes that.

Here in Southern California, we’re in the midst of a mini heatwave.  People are walking around saying, “Hot enough for ya?” what does that even mean?

Fall is here, football has started and we also have playoff baseball. There’s something in that air that gives us a feeling of normality. That’s a good thing, right? Is that a judgment? See last week’s Thursday Thoughts.

Now I can see the desktop, Let’s see what’s in the drawers.

Chaos! Everywhere. Why is that? I believe there is a purpose. Everything has a purpose. Do I know what the purpose is? Nope. It is bigger and more varied & vast than I could ever imagine. They say that from chaos comes order. I suppose that when I’m not here anymore, and I look back, it might make sense. (now there’s a hint of an idea for a future conversation)

What I do know is that the path I am on, the path you are on, the path they are on, is the right and perfect path for each of us at this time. Whatever is happening in the world is just simply what is happening, and quite honestly, there’s not a whole lot we can do about it.

There are some people who are called, driven or pulled to a bigger role. It’s up to them to step up and do what they can to make a difference. Is that you? If it is, get on that bus, take that ride and go for it. Wholeheartedly, and unabashedly. Make a splash. You are completely and totally supported! I’ve got friends like this and we need them. There’s goodness there.

Most people aren’t like that. Most people are content to work, play, eat, love, grow old, and die peacefully. And that’s also just fine. Those folks are necessary cogs in the machinery of the universe and there’s goodness here, too.  We each do what we need to do, what we can do, and we do the best we can.

Being authentically you, living your life simply and with love, compassion and meaning is very much a part of the big plan.   All parts contribute inextricably to the whole. Keep smiling, stay peaceful, help others, keep your energy and vibration high, and believe it or not, everything will work out. You know why?  Because it always does.

Just sayin’.