Ch Ch Ch Changes

Change. The only constant.

What goes on around us changes. Our reaction to it is what we can control.

I’m playing a concert for a fundraiser next week. There are rumors that our county is looking into a more restrictive posture, limiting our ability to attend social engagements. I guess indoor seating at restaurants will be closed, church services only online, and the lines at stores will get long again. Kind of a ‘here we go again’ deja vu thing going on. We will still play music, there just won’t be anyone in the room. I can’t control that.  What I can control is my reaction to it.  And am I’m going to let it change me?

Seasons change. Constantly. As nature goes through her seasons, we watch trees get bigger, untended gardens get fuller.  Sometimes fires create a clearing that facilitates new growth.

But year over year seasons are consistent. You can pretty much count on what each new season will look like. Look back at your life. Now, look around at your life.  What’s different?  What’s the same? Are you pleased with how your ‘garden’ has grown?  Does it look anything like you imagined it might? Hopefully, it’s better.  How are you changing? Are you doing so on purpose? Or are you just going through the motions?

You know what? The journey isn’t over. The cycle of seasons continues. Pay attention. And you get to play this game your way.

Just sayin’