Thank You

This past Thursday, we stopped, and, along with family, some friends, turkey, and football, we spent a day in conscious gratitude.

There are so many things to be grateful for..  Simple things, like the sky, the sun, air. There are the things that everyone can agree on: friends, & family in all it’s various forms, running water, sleeping inside.

We can also be grateful for the ability to do and enjoy things like art, music, movies, walks in the woods, on the beach, around the hood.  And there’s always our inner abstract ideas, grateful for hope, faith, love, peace.

It’s good to take time to be grateful because, by paying attention, we -at least I- realize how much we take for granted in the focused busyness of our day-to-day.

Sheryl Crow says “It’s not having what you want  — It’s wanting what you’ve got”. We’ve got so much!

I’m grateful to be able to share these musings with you, the connections and the reconnections it has opened up and reinforced with people, the memories it brings up, the aha’s we get to experience.

Grateful to be able to work. Grateful for freedom and many freedoms. Grateful to serve. Grateful for health, grateful for a body that supports the promises my mind continues to make.  Grateful for an exciting vision of the future. Grateful for a good hamburger.

From Meister Eckhart: “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

From me to you:  “Thank you!”

Just Sayin’