Create New Habits

The other day was one of those days where being inside just wasn’t going to happen. So, I took myself on an impromptu walk. Wasn’t planning to go too far, especially when I saw that the other end of the trail was way over there, and up a couple of really steep hills. 

 I reminded myself that I just wanted to be out in this beautiful day and take a little stroll. I wasn’t really in the mood for that much of a hike, but something came over me. I kept walking. 

 I saw those climbs off in the distance, and I thought, too steep. I’ll just go to the bottom of that one and turn around. When I got there, it wasn’t that imposing. So, up that next hill I went. This happened about 3 or 4 times, the ‘I’m not going up that hill’ moment, was replaced with ‘it doesn’t really look that hard and, besides, I now have a goal’. See, I know what’s on the other side.’ 

 What’s on the other side is a view I had been wanting to see for quite some time. While walking, I kept being accosted by memories of times in the past when I allowed myself to be ok with close enough. I kept thinking, why am I going to continue to sell myself short? I am not that person anymore. I got this. I went for it. I made it. I’m glad. I did not let anything get in my way. 

 I realize how many blocks we allow ourselves to carry around. Even the really small ones that don’t feel like blocks stop us from experiencing our best lives. We might pass it off as just being lazy… and it’s easy to say, well, It’s not that important. It’s no big deal one way or the other… But that’s how bad habits start. And the way we do anything is the way we do everything. 

I’m reminded again to be aware, to pay attention to the way I talk to myself, does it support me, my values, my visions, and will I be happy with me as I look back on this incident. I ended up a little sore, actually, a lot more than just a little sore, but I’m really glad I finished that walk. 

 If you envision it, you can make it happen. Know why? Because you are. What are you? You are whatever you want to be in the moment! And, you are even more than you think!

Push yourself just a bit. It’s absolutely in you. 

 That spectacular, breathtaking view is right around the next corner.

Just sayin’