
Family. It comes in all manner of form, function and feeling. The ‘standard’ definition is the nuclear family we are born into. That one has personalities all it’s own. The scripts written here last a lifetime and some folks who try to forge their own way can have a devil of a time trying to rewrite them.  Then there is the family that we choose. Our friends, our partners, the ones we live with, play in bands with, work with, etc.

We learn a lot from our family, don’t we?  I believe everyone wants to belong and feel connected. Did you ever stop to think about why we want to be connected? 

I think we are all connected at a level we sometimes aren’t aware of, at our core. There is a thread of, something, that connects us all.  It is evident when we meet someone and there is an instant connection, an affinity. A feeling of comfort.  A feeling that we may have known each other before.

I think this thread also works as the connection between species. We’ve all felt connected to a pet. More than just love, connected. We’ve seen the unlikely pairings of different kinds of animals being besties. How does that happen? 

They say love is blind. True love doesn’t concern itself with the package. It all comes from the heart.  And where does the heart get it?  Hmmm

You may have heard the phrase ‘you have to love your family, you don’t necessarily have to like them’. I might even have said it a couple of times. Truth is, I believe the goal is to love everyone. How do you love everyone?  By embracing a ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ Namasté kind of love.  A basic respect for life itself and the people in it. And I get it. Sometimes it’s just not realistic that we would like everyone. We are human. Folks are different and have their own paths. Sometimes, at the human level, there truly is no connection. And that’s ok. We can still respect others’ paths and their light, which comes from the same place yours does, which makes us all from the same family, right? 

Just sayin’.