Feeling into your Life Vision

What is your life vision? Do you have a life vision? I didn’t really have one for a while and I just flowed through life participating in and accepting whatever presented itself. Not a bad life, but unsatisfying. And I wasn’t really in control of my path. 

Who out there is pretty good at visualizing how you want your lives to look? You can see the house, the car, the relationship, the work, But are you accepting those things into your lives? Might there be a sort of disconnect between what you see in your dreams and the life you’re actually living? 

Did you ever try to imagine what having these things feels like? The Universe, the Law of Attraction, or the ‘whatever you want to call it’, really responds to the emotional energy you put out in order to manifest your vision. What does that mean, exactly? 

Think of a time when you experienced some kind of emotional upset and then you started not feeling well. That’s an example of a thought, in this case, an emotion, creating a thing, the physical discomfort.  See how that works?

How would you like to set yourself up for your dream life? Here are four things to keep in mind when creating your experience. 

First, one of the most important things is to be very clear on what you want. Make sure you focus on what you DO what, not what you DON’T want. For instance, “I do want a job that challenges me” as opposed to “I don’t want to work at a job that is boring” 

Be grateful, both for what you have experienced and for what you now have. For what you’ve experienced because it got you to where you are now. And for what you have, because gratitude positively enhances the quality of the signal you’re sending into the quantum field. Conversely, doubt and negativity diminish the quality of the signal you’re sending. Whether you truly understand this concept or not, does it at least make sense? I get that it may sound a bit out there, but science keeps proving this over and over again. 

Trust the process. When you plant your crops, ok, maybe you’re just planting a few vegetables, you don’t keep pulling them up to see if they are growing, right? Trust that you’ve planted this seed and it will be ready for you to harvest when it’s ready. I experienced this with the seed I planted almost 3 years ago with regards to selling my business. If that sale had happened immediately, it wouldn’t have been right. I wasn’t really ready for it. Over time, -the plant growing- I found my new business, the buyers were ready, and everything was in place. It worked out perfectly. 

The last very important thing is to detach from the outcome. Sounds counterintuitive, I know.   Sometimes the end result looks a little different than our original vision. Most of the time it turns out better. This goes hand in hand with trusting the process. 

Bottom line, What you want wants you. And when you are ready, it will appear. Simple, right? Easy, not so much, but that’s what makes the journey so interesting and fun. Keep at it. It will happen for you. 

Just sayin’