
They reached out.  “Would you please give a talk about how to be a better ewe?” “I’d be glaaaaaad to” I replied sheepishly. Turns out that’s not exactly what they were talking about. (I bet you knew that) 

 What does it mean to be a better you? Is there anything wrong with the way you are? Many theories, discussions about being a better you point to helping others, showing compassion, and similar attributes that are considered markers of good people.   These traits are all admirable qualities.   Many of these traits to be mostly about doing.

So many times the answer is embedded in the question.   The question is how can you be a better you? The answer is to be.   I might add one word – authentic.   Be Authentic. 

What does it mean to be authentic? It means you’re true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure that you’re under to act otherwise. 

I suggest this pressure ‘to act otherwise’ to please others is self-imposed.   Listen carefully to your inner conversation to determine your motive.   Be aware that we are very good at justification.  

Helping others is in no way a bad thing.  If we are doing these things out of obligations, or shoulds, I question the authenticity, or to add another layer, the integrity of our actions.  Can we be the best version of ourselves without compromising our authenticity? 

To act in all the good, caring ways, and be comfortable with who you are in each moment is a step towards a better you.  A you one that makes the world a little better for everyone else. 

 And that’s not a bad thing.

Just sayin’