What is Mine to Do?

Do you watch the news? There is a lot of awfulizing and catastrophizing going on. What is reported is generally not positive, uplifting, or encouraging. There are shootings, uprisings, people of ‘other persuasions’ are not being treated fairly. What is mine to do?

Prices going up. Income, well, isn’t. Families are being split apart by who is vaccinated and who isn’t. It hurts my heart. What is mine to do? 

Climate change is a big challenge for everyone. The earth seems to be warming up. The polar ice cap is melting? What is mine to do?  

Actually, there are many little things we can to do take care of the earth. There is recycling, driving less, wasting less. And if everyone did a little something, big changes would occur.

Options can be overwhelming when you look at how big the problems are and really, what can one person do? There are many things one person can do. We have to remember that nothing happens all at once. Everything started with something small, something simple. An idea, A seed. One tree starts a forest. A single step starts the journey. What is ours to do? What would you like to do? I bet you have at least one idea of something that can help somewhere! What if you just do that? And if one other helped you, your effort would be doubled. 

The biggest and most important thing, in my opinion, of what is mine to do, what is ours to do, is that we can always treat each other with respect. This is where we can have the greatest positive impact on the world. Smile at a stranger. Hold the door. Don’t continue the potentially heated, hurtful arguments. Buy a coffee for the stranger behind you. Keep your peace when someone in traffic wants to go faster than you. By doing a bunch of these little things, these random acts of kindness, we can build a more peaceful and respectful place to live. 

This is just the beginning of what we can do to live the lives we want, to create the world we envision.

And, one more thing… turn off the news.

Just sayin’