YES! What was that? YES! How does that feel? Uplifting? Light? Energetic? Fun? When I say it, and mean it, it feels positive and empowering. Try it now. Say it out loud – like you mean it. YES!!!! Of course, we’re just having fun, and you’re not really saying yes to anything. Or are you?

Lately, I’ve been saying yes to as much as possible. I’ve been working to keep my opinions, my likes and dislikes out of the equation. I’ve taken on the mindset of, “Let’s just see what the Universe has in store for me”.

I get that this might be a little woo-woo for some, and that’s ok. It’s just a concept, an experiment. And how’s it going, you might ask? Well, saying yes has gotten me out of my own way to say hello to you guys every week. Saying yes has kicked started my coaching business on the internet. Boy did that take me out of my comfort zone. But I said yes when the opportunity place itself in front of me. And it is continuing to drive me toward what I’d like to accomplish with not much more than a half a clue on how to do it. (I’ll admit it). You can only imagine the conversation when my head was trying to talk me out of it.

I’m actually having fun with it. I think I’ll keep doing it. Just last night the slight possibility of a sunset presented itself, as the day all over South County was grey and drizzly. Even though I had stuff to do, something inside me said Yes. I went with it. The picture below is the result.

What parts of life can you say yes to? It doesn’t hurt. In fact, it feels good. Yes! One more time? YES!

Just sayin’

Please share some examples of you going with the flow in the comments below, will you? YES!!!


Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day, to all you moms out there. You are very special. I don’t know why we need a special day to show you love, but they didn’t ask me. You are loved every single day. We wouldn’t be here without you.

Mom’s are really something. And being a Mom is more than just having kids. The mother is that which loves us no matter what we do. This is the highest, most divine love of all. Your natural feminine energy comes through you as creation, intuition, community, and sensuality. You cook, clean, hold a job, dole out discipline, taxi, root us on, heal boo-boos, and make sure that we grow up strong, compassionate, confident, and ready to be our best in the world. And watch out if anyone or anything outside the family starts to threaten her babies. You don’t want to get in the way of a pissed off Mama Bear.

I think the best way to describe your nurturing supportive way is conveyed in this musing by William Golding.

“Whatever you give a mom, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she will give you a baby. If you give her a house, she will give you a home. If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal. If you give her a smile she will give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!”

Enjoy your day. Because tomorrow……

Just kidding!


The only thing constant is change. We are constantly faced with change. How do you feel about it? 

Some of us love change. Others are thrown off by it.  Change causes growth. Growth is good. Right?

Change is natural.  Change is expansive. The universe is constantly expanding.  I have found that resisting change feels heavy, sluggish. Like carrying around a weight. Have you ever noticed that?

We change our clothes. We change cable providers. We change our minds, we change course. We change things up. We get change. We see change. We change everything around us. We watch our bodies change.  You’ve heard that our bodies completely change/regenerate every seven years.  I wonder then, what is the resistance to changing ourselves. Our inner selves.  Hmmmm

They say, if you don’t grow, you die. Maybe you’ve heard them. They all say that. Life itself is constantly asking us to adapt to some kind of change. Sometimes, it doesn’t even ask. And in the end, it’s always is good for us. Sometimes we don’t see it immediately. And, we are changed even if, we try to go back to ‘the way it was’.   Might you agree that acquiring a new perspective is a good thing?

We are in the midst of radical opportunities for change, for personal growth. Check in with your self… What can you do to embrace this time and use it to create a better version of you?

Some change takes time. Some change is immediate. All change is good.  How do you feel about it? 

Just sayin’

Your thoughts are always welcome.

Your Choice

How’s your world?  

Man! There are no lack of opinions pertaining to what’s going on out there today.  ‘It’s just the flu.’ ‘It’s going to kill us all.’ ‘We need to stay inside & away from the world to make it stop.’  ‘I don’t care, I’m not going to get sick.’  ‘It’s a conspiracy theory. They’re about controlling the masses.’  ‘It started with a bat.’  ‘It was created.’ ‘It came from drinking beer?’

So, where do you get your news? And how often are you watching/reading focused on it? TV? Cable? Facebook? Newspaper? Internet feeds? Family, Friends, Relatives, Neighbors? And who do you believe? And what does it all mean?

Then there are the reactions.  ‘I’m scared to death.’   ‘I’m going to get sick and die.’  ‘I miss sports.’  ‘The economy is never going to come back.’  ‘What does this all mean?’  ‘I’m enjoying the time off with myself and my family.’   ‘I’ll never work again.’  ‘I was going well, then this crisis happened and I can’t get my mojo back.’  ‘when can we play/listen to music again?’

How are you doing, and what do you think? Are you reacting or responding? Are you rolling with the punches or are you being punched? Is what is happening ‘out there’ going to significantly affect what’s happening ‘in here’? In here means your heart and your mind.   My opinion, for what it’s worth, is we can’t control what’s happening out there. We can only control what’s happening with us. 

Then, there is also a thought/opinion/observation that there is major good coming after this. Think of it as a double rainbow after a storm. We have fresh clean air, the earth is repairing itself, families are spending quality time, cooking, eating, playing games, etc. People are experiencing gratitude for what they have, appreciating the the little things, rethinking what’s truly important. 

How would you like to be? Peaceful. Resourceful. Playful? You have the power. You are a light that cannot be dimmed by outside influences unless you let it. Make a choice. Then live your choice. Your choice! 

Just sayin’

Musings about Time

Observations about an interesting by-product of our
national stay-cation

‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.

‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.’

When we -ok, I, – don’t have a schedule to follow, time seems to warp. We/I fill up our days doing.. laundry, eating, chores, binging, eating, exercise, cleaning, eating, and the next thing you know, the day is gone. Man, that was quick. It felt really long at the time. And I shore was busy, but looking back on the day, I didn’t really get anything done. Now I’m spend this time looking for that time. Where did the time go? It went somewhere. Back to where it came from?

For something so precise as time, at least the way we measure it, it sure is flexible. Have you noticed that 2 people can be involved in exactly the same activity, and one thinks it took forever, while the other was surprised it went so fast. What does that suggest about time itself? It’s only our perception? So, time isn’t fixed? I’m not sure I have time for this at this time – So, before this gets too long –

The only time there truly is now!

When we are truly involved, there’s a feeling of having lived completely.

When we’re being completely in the moment, time stands still.

Try it out. It’s all we got. And we have plenty of it. Until we don’t.


water – sunshine – sleeping inside – friends – air – music – life – hearing – being there – a cold one – chirping birds – an idea – health – coffee – food – a plan – family – technology – movies – trees – heart – a new song – clean clothes – my car – pets – sunsets – toilet paper – knowing – fountains – fall – playing music – connecting – running water – the moon – coaching – scotch tape – vision – flowers – the ocean – protein bars – naps – espn – books – a babbling stream – friendship – sailing – modern medicine – laughing – rain – cooking – meditating – good news – chocolate chip cookies – babies – showers – camping – puppies – me – spring – puzzles – windows – meadows – baseball – vistas – waking up – spirit – compassion – a fresh breeze – thinking – snow in the mountains – shoes – long drives – listening to music – sunrises – humor – speeching – the beach – football – seeing – clean sheets – a sit down meal – walking in the woods – telephony – summer – creativity – pleasant smells – now – community – dreams – tools – traveling – you – Aaaahhh

just sayin’ 

There’s so much good in the world, if you look for it.

What’s on your list? Please share. 

Prevailing paradigms.

Prevailing paradigms.
 Like the winds of the same name.

Prevailing paradigms are our fundamental thought patterns. They are consistent. They are firmly rooted in your brain and your actions from many years of mindlessly having the same thoughts and doing the same actions. Going through the motions. Over and over. No thinking, just doing. It’s kind of like a Groundhog Day rut. Or the grooves of a record, They always play the same thing. Think about how you take a shower. Grab the soap, start on the same body part. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Just observe yourself, I bet it’s the same routine daily.  Have you ever pulled into the driveway and realized you weren’t paying attention during your drive home?  How did I get here?         That’s how our thinking can be. Autopilot.

    If this works for you, then, great! You might be in a place that your life in every way is just perfect for you at this time! Then Woooooo! Keep it up! 

If there is something in your life that you’d like to experience differently than you currently are, this is where it starts.  With your thoughts.   Here’s a little game    It’s called ‘Notice what you’re Noticing’.   Note that there is always thinking going on. Be aware of what these thoughts are, and change, or declutter, those thoughts that no longer serve you.  It doesn’t have to be a big change. ‘The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step’ – Lao Tzu.

Simple. Right?  Easy? Not so much!
They’ve been in place for a long time, but it can be done. 

      The question of the day is…..
How important is it for you to create this change?
During this downtime, it might be an opportunity
to create a life that mirrors what you envision.
Ready to become the new you and your new way of being?

Just sayin’

Days of Darkness?

Days of darkness? How ‘bout you be the light. We all know the stories of people who endured tremendous pain, unimaginable darkness and are still considered to be beacons of light. You may have heard of Anne Frank, Viktor Frankl, Nelson Mandela, Why them?  They wrote about it. And we’ve been asked to sit around and watch TV, read and play cards for a couple weeks.

There are many in our midst who, with their peace and their positive focus have endured what others might be considered horrendous times. They didn’t say anything, just put their heads down and got to work, living.

Guess what? We can be them if we let ourselves be. This is something that is happening around us. It is not us. It is not us!

     There will be time to get back to working 60+ hours a week.          There will be time to get back to sitting in traffic.               There will be time for being stressed.

The markets will eventually rebound, sports and music will return, there will be plenty of toilet paper, and this will be relegated to a “remember when?”

How ‘bout we make the most of the situation we’ve been handed. Embrace the time off. Embrace your family. Embrace yourself. Embrace your neighbor -from 6 feet away.      

With a little effort, we can turn this adventure into a blessing so large it’s hard to measure.   Turn that outer exasperation into inner peace.

And we will absolutely come out the other side better for having been through this.                Just sayin.