Celebrate & Values

The other day, while taking advantage of the very easy and overly efficient Amazon return desk at Kohl’s, a woman behind me was grousing a bit, not being really happy about doing business with Jeff Bezos.  She didn’t like the reach that Amazon has, feeling that their hands are in too many pies, and that a monopoly is either in place or will soon be.      I’m not judging, but she seems to be out of alignment with the values she shared with me. 

What about you?  Is there something you disagree with concerning your job or the company you work for, but it pays the bills, so you continue to work there?   Are you maybe justifying a relationship that has become unfulfilling just to have someone to hang out with?   You’re not alone, we’ve all done it.

Is there another situation somewhere in your life that is not in alignment with your values? And you put up with it just because it’s easier? When you think about it, how does that feel?

We just celebrated Independence Day. What are you doing to create or declare your independence? Shout it to the mountain tops. And share it below! We all want to celebrate with you!

I’m celebrating my personal Independence Day. Starting tomorrow, I will be Coach Dave full-time. This project has been spreading its roots for a few years and is now coming to fruition. This new adventure is totally in line with my value of service and helping others.

I’m suggesting you might want to take a minute to see how your values line up with the life you’re leading. For some, defining values can be a bit of work, because they morph, and change over time. It’s worth it, because knowing what your values are, makes it easier to align them with your purpose, which leads to inner peace and harmony. 

Just sayin. 


Babies. Aren’t they wonderful? Perfect little mini people. Full of potential and possibilities. Those of us who have had them, have felt that magic and basked in that unconditional love. Then as time went on, we did the best we could with them! 

Looking back, I see instances where if I had a different, more expansive awareness at the time, I would have done something different. Two key pieces of information there…. If, and, at the time!    We have to remember that we act, react or respond in each moment the best we can with the information we have access to at the time

If I had been more present in each moment, I might have made fewer mistakes, or what I prefer to call missteps. If I would have paused, taken a breath, and paid attention to what was happening around me, how I was feeling and tried to envision how this next action might play out, I might have made different decisions. How do I know? My 2020 hindsight told me so. But you know what? I’ve got great kids, and they grew up in spite of me.  

It’s very important to learn to do this with these young lives we’ve been trusted with. We start out by loving them unconditionally, and that counts for a lot, and by taking this more conscious approach, we could help to maintain their naturally high vibration, the one they came here with. We’d nurture their natural capabilities, so they can grow into the best version of themselves, which would ultimately enhance the world they inhabit. 

 Here’s an idea. What if we treated everyone around us with the same sensibility?  What if we were aware, conscious, focused in the moment, and we thought to pay attention to how our words and actions might affect the future? What if some of the people in front of us were ourselves? Would we treat ourselves and each other differently?  Better perhaps. Might we make better decisions?

Imagine the potential and possibilities.
                The power.
                             The peace  




Passion. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?

Can you feel passion? Do you feel passion? Do you have one?

I was surprised to find out that not everyone has a passion.

Passions run a number of gamuts from music, painting, all kinds of arts, to gardening, beaching, hiking, the outdoor pursuits. Let’s add cooking, dancing, and the types of experiences we share with others. It might be in the work you do, or how you feel when serving.

Two words I heard most people say when asked about passion is intimate and thrilling, and they admitted it’s usually attached to the idea of love making.

There’s a difference between passion and a hobby. Hobbies are something we do to pass the time. Passions, we can’t do without. Hobbies are a great way to de-stress, passions are fulfilling. It’s not so much what you do, it’s how you feel when you’re doing it.

The kind of passion I’m thinking about is the type that has us totally involved in some part of life itself. It’s a feeling you can’t control because It controls you. You’re excited to get up in the morning. You can’t wait to get home and get lost in it. Passion doesn’t really have a goal attached to it because it’s never really over.  the doing of it is the goal.

Passionate people are generally pretty optimistic. Their focus is on what can be rather than what is. They’re always chasing their next goal with the unwavering belief that they’ll achieve it.

Being passionate is the single greatest quality you can bring to any situation. Passion, by its very nature, is an exciting trait that motivates others. It’s highly respected by peers and it is one of the most commonly desired and admired attributes in society.

I think most people would love to be passionate about something, but don’t know where to start. Take a couple minutes and google passions. This will start to open your mind to either finding something you can get passionate about, or help you realize that you already are passionate about something, and that it is so much a part of you, you just didn’t notice.

One of my favorite quotes,  this one from Howard Thurman says “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

What makes you come alive?

Can you feel it?

Go do that.

Just sayin’