Oh, That To-Do List

What’s on your to-do list? Is it something you want to do, or is it something you have to do? Why do you want to or have to do it? 

 I’m wrestling with this right now, There’s this “I want to” to-do, but there are these distractions I call life that seem to be getting in the way.

Sometimes life just flows.   As if floating downstream on an innertube.
                                            Aaah.. Life is good. 

Other times it feels like swimming upstream to herd those cats so I can nail that jello to a tree. 

Back to the to-do list.   What do you really want to accomplish? Start “With the end in mind”, then reel it back to see what you can do today. 

 There’s a saying that we overestimate what we can do in a day, and underestimate what we can do in a month or a year. What is your 5-year vision? Are you on track? 

As you drop off to sleep at night, check back on what got done today.   Did it support your vision? Did it support what you want to put out to the world? 

Tomorrow, take that next small step. 

 At the end of the year, you can look back, and say yeah.   I did that! 

 Just Sayin’ 


I was wondering what our life on earth must look like from the sky? I expect it looks like a mishigas of movement, with some semblance of chaotic order, like ants marching hither and yon. Where do we fit in this picture? With all this activity of life, do you ever feel lost?  And maybe not really lost, but wondering what is my place in all of this? Like what am I doing? Or maybe, what is mine to do? Do you feel like you are in control or just going with the flow? 

You know that you have a lot to say about the direction of your own life. Right? 

The very first thing you were ever involved in ended up as a very successful and fairly substantial step towards a bigger expression of you. You fought your way to the front of billions of other sperm cells and got yourself born. That’s a pretty significant accomplishment right out of the gate, don’t cha think? 

Something inside of you, something that is so deep inside of you that you’re probably not even consciously aware of it, really wanted to be here. And that desire, that drive, that’s what made it happen. That part of you is still very much alive.

A guy I know,  Randy Gage, an internationally acclaimed inspirational author, and speaker says “If your dream is big enough and worthy enough, you will usually find a way to make it come true.” Then he goes on to say..  “But not all dreams are meant to come true.  Some exist simply to challenge you into becoming a higher version of yourself.”  Hmmm. Interesting, I say.

Is there something in the Randy’s statement that stirs up that deep fiery energy inside of you that lets you know that you can still create something big for yourself?

The being born example illustrates that if you are very intentional, you can make anything happen.  Sometimes I wonder what happened to us -me included- that we let life happen to us instead of us taking the lead. It is our life and when we make a true decision to move forward, it’s pretty cool how often we actually succeed!

Remember, we got ourselves born.
After that, life should be easy. 

Just sayin’


What’s on my mind today? Blockedness.  Is that a word? It is now. Here’s a bit of truth… I’m feeling blocked. I’ve got a lot going on, but doesn’t everyone?  I’d like to do more of this, finish that, move closer to my vision on the other. Well?  How do I know I’m blocked? It wasn’t obvious to me until I started noticing what I’m noticing. The floors got swept. Put together some lunch. Made the bed. Answered emails. I’ve started to write about 3 different things to share with you today. These are all markers that point to a lack of focus, which to me suggests a block. What am I going to do about it? Now that I am consciously aware of it, I will grab a cuppa, turn on some nice background music, set the timer, and ‘make myself’ move forward on one thing. Many times, the motion, any motion, is enough to move through or around the block.  Later I will think about the reason behind it, but to do it now seems like another version of procrastination. 

What’s the lesson here? Notice what you’re noticing and then make one small step toward where you want to be. Make sense?  Simple, Right?

Just sayin’