Celebrate & Values

The other day, while taking advantage of the very easy and overly efficient Amazon return desk at Kohl’s, a woman behind me was grousing a bit, not being really happy about doing business with Jeff Bezos.  She didn’t like the reach that Amazon has, feeling that their hands are in too many pies, and that a monopoly is either in place or will soon be.      I’m not judging, but she seems to be out of alignment with the values she shared with me. 

What about you?  Is there something you disagree with concerning your job or the company you work for, but it pays the bills, so you continue to work there?   Are you maybe justifying a relationship that has become unfulfilling just to have someone to hang out with?   You’re not alone, we’ve all done it.

Is there another situation somewhere in your life that is not in alignment with your values? And you put up with it just because it’s easier? When you think about it, how does that feel?

We just celebrated Independence Day. What are you doing to create or declare your independence? Shout it to the mountain tops. And share it below! We all want to celebrate with you!

I’m celebrating my personal Independence Day. Starting tomorrow, I will be Coach Dave full-time. This project has been spreading its roots for a few years and is now coming to fruition. This new adventure is totally in line with my value of service and helping others.

I’m suggesting you might want to take a minute to see how your values line up with the life you’re leading. For some, defining values can be a bit of work, because they morph, and change over time. It’s worth it, because knowing what your values are, makes it easier to align them with your purpose, which leads to inner peace and harmony. 

Just sayin.