Checking In

How’s it going? I’m just checking in. We seem to be doing the COVID dance again. How’s that treating you? Are you a little nervous? A little scared perhaps? Just put off? maybe it’s not affecting you at all? I was running errands last night and there was a baseball game on the radio. After all the bickering that’s been happening, whether or not you agree with the business, it’s nice to feel a moment of what used to be normal.

A lot of vacations aren’t happening, but I hear of a lot that are. People are getting out, being safe, traveling a little differently, making the best out of the cards we’ve been dealt.  That’s really all we can do. We can either think a little differently, create a new and interesting way to live, or go crazy trying to fit the old round peg into this new square hole.

For instance, how are you keeping in shape? A lot of gyms are closed or have reduced hours. I did a couple of YouTube yoga classes. Too bad the rest of the class was deprived of seeing my less than graceful downward facing dog. Have you dusted off your bicycle? How about parking farther away from the store? That creates a little walk. Walking’s good. A chance to see the neighborhood, check out the area around where you live. I drove out to a beautiful canyon I would never have visited, had a nice hike, and saw amazing views. On the way back to the car, we cut through an empty equestrian center. Don’t worry, it was open, just no activity except for one horse walking the track. Felt like I was in a different part of the country, a different time really, with the big hanging trees, the graceful fall of the land, the stately clubhouse. And Very peaceful. And it felt like a getaway, a mini-vacation!

There are lots of these hidden gems near you. Do this with a friend, or a small group! 

How’s your inner weather?   I know it’s hot around the country. Here in Southern California, it’s a properly boring 80-85 degrees and sunny every day. And cool, perfect sleeping weather at night. We’ve been in this stretch for a couple of weeks. It’s been a little overcast near the water at night, so, no comet viewing for me.   But, that’s the outer weather… how’s your inner weather?

Cloudy? as in – man, I can’t believe we have to do this again. or Rainy, like – I’m afraid I might get sick or I wonder if my job will still be there. Or are you keeping your sunny side up, as in, now’s a good time to clean out the garage, or learn to cook something else cuz I’m tired of eating my own food?   This inner weather is the weather we can control. We get to determine how we want to feel, how we want to react, how we want to see the world. 

A lot of our ability to do this is based on what we feed ourselves. Are you paying too much attention to the news? That’s pretty much a guarantee of internal rainy days. I was just talking with a friend whose business takes him around the country. He said unequivocally that those who are inundated with news are scared and unhappy.  Those who aren’t are noticeably more upbeat and happier. Make sense?  it’s your choice.

How about reading a good book? Remember that? A glass of your favorite beverage, a seat on the deck, and treat yourself to a little journey. There’s also catching up with friends, meditating, hobbying. Do what feeds your soul. 

Here’s another idea to create your own personal sunny days. You could just make a decision.  “I’m going to be happy today.” That has been proven to work.    And I get it, some days it’s just ‘I don’t feel sunny, and I can’t make the clouds go away’, and I’m ok with that!   YES. Everyone has days like that and sometimes that’s just the way it is.    But, we don’t want to live there. Do we?

Who says we can’t control the weather?  You can control your inner-weather. This kind of personal control is a beautiful, powerful, and empowering thing. It may take a little practice, but it’s absolutely worth it….  Just sayin.