How’s Your Weather?

Checking in from last week. I appreciate hearing from a few of you last week. I was observing that almost all the comments I got were from people whose inner weather is sunny and they are feeling good. That totally makes sense. That makes total sense? (Actually, I did have one person reach out and share a little rainy weather with me, so good on you for being vulnerable enough to put that out there.)

Honestly, I used to never reach out if I had cloudy weather to report. I’m trying to get better at that, because, our cloudy days are real, too. We all go through this. That’s the time we need to connect and know we’re not the only one feeling this and that the clouds do soon go away. Sometimes just acknowledging it and getting acknowledged, getting a hug, real or virtual, a couple of smiley faces, silly, I know, but that connection, knowing that we’re not alone, is powerful.

Vulnerability is strength. Being vulnerable, being in touch with what you’re feeling, being conscious, is truth. Red pill kind of truth.

When we experience these kinds of feelings, those feelings that suggest we’re in our cloudy weather pattern, we don’t want to admit it. And sometimes we’re so involved in it, we’re not really aware that we’re in it. But, it is what’s happening. Acknowledging it is key. Brene Brown says ‘Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.”

As we travel through these times, and there will be bumps, pay attention. Granted, it may have to be after the fog lifts, but that’s ok. If you can determine what’s behind them, as in identifying the cause, understanding occurs. Embrace it and assimilate it, which allows it to dissipate, then walk confidently and comfortably out the other side and you’ll be a little lighter not carrying around whatever it was that caused your rain, your pain. Now we’re experiencing true growth. Who wants some sun!!!

You Got This!

Just sayin’