
Judging. From the very beginning of time, and probably before that, people have judged. Why is that?  Let’s start with this definition. Judging is “The act of looking down upon someone; to regard as inferior.”

Judging suggests that there is a right and a wrong. And the very nature of being the judger suggests that you think you are right and somebody else is wrong. I believe a lot of these judgments come from a place of fear which sprout from a place of not understanding.  People are afraid of what they don’t know.  What could make someone so afraid of something they aren’t even involved in that they would react by judging someone else. 

When I touched on this last year, it was about me judging. I noticed that I was doing it. How I felt when I was doing it. What it meant, what I could learn and how I could stop it.  I think I did pretty well, but there is always more to learn.

Well, judging has come up again. But this time from a different angle.
This time, I’m feeling like I’m on the receiving end. Now I have an idea of how the person who feels they are being judged might react.  It’s not that I’ve personally been attacked, but the negative energy towards the one being judged, in this case, me, makes one feel as if they were being lashed out against. Then comes the feeling of needing to defend something that quite honestly doesn’t need to be defended.

I’ve been working to ignore it, as I know it’s not about me, but it is still sticking in my craw. I understand this comes from a place of caring, backed by a lack of understanding, but it’s judging nonetheless. I’m still curious about why it is happening, and I’m really wondering about the lack of communication around it. A visit is a very simple resolution.  On a side note, isn’t it amazing how many situations could be quickly and easily resolved with even just a little bit of communication?

When you notice yourself as judging, can you identify your truth about this? Remember that we tend to be afraid of what we don’t know. What are you afraid of?  I don’t know the answer to that, of course. It’s your fear, your question and it would be your answer. When you ask yourself the question, it will be interesting to see what comes up. And it might help to ask the question, get an answer, ask it again, get a different answer. Do this 2-3 times to get a deeper answer. You’ll know when you hit the answer that rings your perfect truth.

How nice would it be to go through your days not judging and understanding that if you feel judged, it’s not about you? You are perfectly fine. And so is everyone else.

Just sayin’