YES! What was that? YES! How does that feel? Uplifting? Light? Energetic? Fun? When I say it, and mean it, it feels positive and empowering. Try it now. Say it out loud – like you mean it. YES!!!! Of course, we’re just having fun, and you’re not really saying yes to anything. Or are you?

Lately, I’ve been saying yes to as much as possible. I’ve been working to keep my opinions, my likes and dislikes out of the equation. I’ve taken on the mindset of, “Let’s just see what the Universe has in store for me”.

I get that this might be a little woo-woo for some, and that’s ok. It’s just a concept, an experiment. And how’s it going, you might ask? Well, saying yes has gotten me out of my own way to say hello to you guys every week. Saying yes has kicked started my coaching business on the internet. Boy did that take me out of my comfort zone. But I said yes when the opportunity place itself in front of me. And it is continuing to drive me toward what I’d like to accomplish with not much more than a half a clue on how to do it. (I’ll admit it). You can only imagine the conversation when my head was trying to talk me out of it.

I’m actually having fun with it. I think I’ll keep doing it. Just last night the slight possibility of a sunset presented itself, as the day all over South County was grey and drizzly. Even though I had stuff to do, something inside me said Yes. I went with it. The picture below is the result.

What parts of life can you say yes to? It doesn’t hurt. In fact, it feels good. Yes! One more time? YES!

Just sayin’

Please share some examples of you going with the flow in the comments below, will you? YES!!!