
There are many celebrations this month, of all flavors, colors, and for various reasons. I counted at least 46.  I’d like to touch on 4 with a common theme..|

We are celebrating the birth of the boy Jesus, the birth of the Christ Consciousness, carrier of the Light.
It was in December that a man by the name of Siddhartha Gautama experienced enlightenment and became the Buddha. 

The longest night of the year, also known as the Winter Solstice, is when the days, the light, start getting longer. 

Hanukkah – a celebration of the light, as the story goes, as there was enough oil for one night, the flame miraculously burned for 8 days.

See where I’m going here? Light. This is the season of light. I wonder why we can’t have light every season!  We can if we want to. Every day in fact!  It’s our attitude, and a way of thinking that leads to a way of being. 

Have you wondered how the people who walk in and light up a room think? Their natural way is to think of possibilities, inclusion, compassion.  They believe everyone can win. They see everything as great! And if we think that, we’ll act like that, and if we act like that we will experience that. What a great gift to give oneself and then we share that gift with the world. 

As we move together towards a more abundant, prosperous, compassionate life lived on purpose,
I wish for you and yours Hope, Peace, Love, and of course, Light,

Just Sayin’