Musings about Time

Observations about an interesting by-product of our
national stay-cation

‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.

‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.’

When we -ok, I, – don’t have a schedule to follow, time seems to warp. We/I fill up our days doing.. laundry, eating, chores, binging, eating, exercise, cleaning, eating, and the next thing you know, the day is gone. Man, that was quick. It felt really long at the time. And I shore was busy, but looking back on the day, I didn’t really get anything done. Now I’m spend this time looking for that time. Where did the time go? It went somewhere. Back to where it came from?

For something so precise as time, at least the way we measure it, it sure is flexible. Have you noticed that 2 people can be involved in exactly the same activity, and one thinks it took forever, while the other was surprised it went so fast. What does that suggest about time itself? It’s only our perception? So, time isn’t fixed? I’m not sure I have time for this at this time – So, before this gets too long –

The only time there truly is now!

When we are truly involved, there’s a feeling of having lived completely.

When we’re being completely in the moment, time stands still.

Try it out. It’s all we got. And we have plenty of it. Until we don’t.

One thought on “Musings about Time”

  1. I was laid off for seven weeks during this coronavirus thing. As the weeks went by, I had a remembrance, a recognition. “Oh yeah, I remember this feeling: this is what summer vacation was like when I was a kid.” Living from moment to moment. Letting my whims take me to whatever was next, with no regard for how long it would take, no guilt for ‘time wasted’. Time stretched out in front of me, even at my ‘advanced’ age. It felt so free and expansive.

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