Share? Really?

Do you have someone that you talk to? Someone with whom you have those deep, intimate, meaningful conversations? I believe that women are better at this than guys are. Feel free to correct me if you disagree. 

And by talk, I mean really talk. Those deep truths & soul-baring conversations that make you hold your breath a bit before speaking your truth kinds of talks.

I used to play very close to the vest, private. Call it what you will, but deep sharing was never one of my strong suits. I wouldn’t necessarily have said that about me, but, throughout my journey, I’ve heard this from friends and teachers. As I’ve been on my self-awareness/self-discovery journey, I find that being more open not only doesn’t hurt but actually helps. Helps what? Well, for one, it helps me to know more about who I am. Instead of just going thru life doing, acting, and reacting, it’s opened me up to closer relationships not only with myself but also with others.

I have friends who do what I call “live their lives out loud”. There is nothing about them, what they think, what they do, or what they’ve done that isn’t shared. I never really understood that. But what I’ve observed is they have good friends and quality relationships.  And, quite honestly, it doesn’t seem to change anything. No one got swallowed up, no one went screaming from the room. It’s really just that a truth was spoken. In sharing our truths, we find that many of us share the same experiences, the same opinions, and the same inner fears, and dreams. I bet, if we were more open, more truthful in our conversations and we were to share more of our thoughts/opinions/fears and feelings, etc, we would not only connect more deeply with others, but we would connect more deeply with ourselves. 

At the end of the day, we are all we have. Wouldn’t it be nice for us to know ourselves, to understand ourselves, to not have secrets from ourselves, and to be fully and completely ok with ourselves? The growth that comes from the awareness of our inner knowing would be substantial, and I believe we would experience more peace individually and around the world because of that understanding.