We’ve got this, so enjoy

Days of darkness? How ‘bout you be the light. We all know the stories of people who endured tremendous pain, unimaginable darkness, and are still considered to be beacons of light. You may have heard of Anne Frank, Viktor Frankl, Nelson Mandela, Why them?  They wrote about it. And we’ve been asked to sit around and watch TV, read and play cards for a couple of weeks. 

There are many in our midst who, with their peace and their positive focus have endured what other might be considered horrendous times. They didn’t say anything, just put their heads down and got to work, living.

Guess what? We can be them, if we let ourselves be. This is something that is happening around us. It is not us. It is not us!

     There will be time to get back to working 60+ hours a week. 

          There will be time to get back to sitting in traffic. 

               There will be time for being stressed. 

The markets will eventually rebound, sports and music will return, there will be plenty of toilet paper, and this will be relegated to a “remember when?”  

How ‘bout we make the most of the situation we’ve been handed. Embrace the time off. Embrace your family. Embrace yourself. Embrace your neighbor -from 6 feet away.      

With a little effort, we can turn this adventure into a blessing so large it’s hard to measure.   Turn that outer exasperation into inner peace. 

And we will absolutely come out the other side better for having been through this.               

Just sayin.