
The land begrudgingly wakes up from the long cold snowy winter. Aah yes, I remember it well. Wondering ‘will it ever end?’ And you know, what? It always did. The snow always melted, the temperatures always went up, the flowers always bloomed. Amazing, isn’t it? Where the leaves fell off the trees, allowing those trees to rest, new blooms, every year. It’s the constant rebirth of life. I could go on, but I’m betting you get the picture.

Spring is a beautiful, re-energizing awakening. How might this apply to us? We can create our own spring, whenever and wherever we like. In fact, we often do. When we take on a new project, when we learn a new skill when we make a decision to change something in our lives. That is analogous to being reborn. That is what spring shows us every year.

I’m doing this now, as I look to retire from my old business and start-up my coaching business. I’ve been tending the soil, planting seeds, and trusting in the process. The process that ensures that every single year, spring comes. That every single morning, the light overcomes the darkness. This is the same process that guarantees – that when we properly tend our gardens in which are planted the right seeds, and remember, these seeds represent our dreams and visions, anything really that we are not just lazily day-dreaming about, but actively creating and working toward, this process guarantees that we will get blooms. These plants will grow!   It is the nature of rebirth, the way of spring, the natural order of things. It can’t be any other way.

What seeds have you planted lately? Or, what seeds are you holding onto that are just waiting to be planted? There’s no better time than right now.

     Just sayin’