Be Aware

Awareness… the state of being conscious. Conscious of what? Conscious of what we’re thinking, feeling, how we react or respond. Being aware of how we talk to ourselves, how we show up in the world. Awareness of options, of our why.

Conscious awareness is a way of being in the world on purpose. It’s a good thing to pay closer attention to our lives. We don’t know what we don’t know. You may have heard about the fish who turns to his friend and says, ‘what water?’

We all have a filter through which we see the world. Anais Nin says “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are’.  How aware are you of your filters? 

As you know there are 3 sides to every story, there’s your side, my side, and what really happened. To be fully aware is to be able to know what it is that is actually going on vs what we think is going on. 

Imagine, living in conscious awareness of just what is. Plain, simple, facts. No ego, no judgment, no emotion. Truth!  And the acceptance of it!

There is peace in acceptance. It doesn’t mean you have to like what’s going on, but knowing what is allows a conscious decision to be made. And to get to where we want to be, to move into the life we want to live, we first have to know where we are. Then we can figure out how to get there.

In the meantime, focus on what you’re doing. Be aware of what’s around you, how you’re acting, and the energy in the room. Then, accept what is. With Awareness and Acceptance, you are at choice, at cause over your life. And That’s a beautiful thing…  

   just sayin’