
Hows’ your patience?

Last week we ushered in a new era of leadership. Half the people are happy, half, not so much. The people who were not happy at the beginning of the last administration employed patience along with hope that it would work out. The mindset being, it is what is, we’re in it! Let’s, hope for and expect the best. Now we have a new leader in the white house, we get a chance to work on this again. Let’s have a little patience along with hope and the expectation that this will work out for the best of the country and everyone in it. We need to give it some time.

Does this mean we have to just blindly accept whatever it is that’s going on in the world whether we like it or not? First of all, yes. We have to accept what is as it is. If we don’t like it, then we take appropriate steps to make whatever change needs to be/or can be made. And sometimes, that takes patience also.

It takes a long time to grow a strong tree. It takes time to build a solid business. It takes the time it takes to repair that road that was washed out in the flood. It takes work and patience to create that perfect relationship. 

Patience is a way of being that allows what is happening to happen. Lack of patience suggests that one is not happy with or does not accept what is currently going on. One classic example of this is ‘I’ll be happy when…’ If we were to always wait to be happy, we’d never really be happy. And that moment is always fleeting. I’ll be happy when I get that new car.  Guess what, it won’t be new very long. Then what do we have to wait for to be happy? Why wait. Be happy now! And have patience. Everything will get here in due time. At the right time.

Just sayin’

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