
Hows’ your patience?

Last week we ushered in a new era of leadership. Half the people are happy, half, not so much. The people who were not happy at the beginning of the last administration employed patience along with hope that it would work out. The mindset being, it is what is, we’re in it! Let’s, hope for and expect the best. Now we have a new leader in the white house, we get a chance to work on this again. Let’s have a little patience along with hope and the expectation that this will work out for the best of the country and everyone in it. We need to give it some time.

Does this mean we have to just blindly accept whatever it is that’s going on in the world whether we like it or not? First of all, yes. We have to accept what is as it is. If we don’t like it, then we take appropriate steps to make whatever change needs to be/or can be made. And sometimes, that takes patience also.

It takes a long time to grow a strong tree. It takes time to build a solid business. It takes the time it takes to repair that road that was washed out in the flood. It takes work and patience to create that perfect relationship. 

Patience is a way of being that allows what is happening to happen. Lack of patience suggests that one is not happy with or does not accept what is currently going on. One classic example of this is ‘I’ll be happy when…’ If we were to always wait to be happy, we’d never really be happy. And that moment is always fleeting. I’ll be happy when I get that new car.  Guess what, it won’t be new very long. Then what do we have to wait for to be happy? Why wait. Be happy now! And have patience. Everything will get here in due time. At the right time.

Just sayin’

Let yourself dream – Big!

2021 sure has started out with a bang!  What did we expect?  Here’s an idea. Let’s focus on something else for a minute or two.

We are a little over 2 weeks into the new year. How many of you made -and/or broken- new year’s resolutions?  I remember these resolutions were things we probably ‘should’ do, lose weight, clean out the garage, read a book a day, feed the dog, that sort of thing. All good resolutions. Doing these would definitely enhance your life.

This year, let’s let our imaginations run wild. I’m encouraging you to make your dream resolution… what would you really really really like? That’s 3 reallys.  In comfort and privacy of your mind, what do you dream about, what situations do you picture yourself in, even though they might not make sense in ‘the real world’? Walk the Appalachian Trail? Take 2 months vacation instead of 2 weeks. Conduct a symphony? Quit your job. Attend a retreat in the Himalayas. Start that new business. Write that album/book/play. Sell your house and live on the road in an RV. See a baseball game in all 30 parks in one season …. Getting the idea?

And I get it. The dreams you have identified in your heart have Gotchas and Yeah-but’s built into them. Gotchas and Yeah-but’s. Those are technical terms.  It’s understandable that there are many things going on in our lives that make it not really prudent to do something like that – at this time.

But, what if you allowed yourself to dream. The genie says ‘your wish is my command. Dream big!  Dream from your heart, not just in your head. Put it out there. Have fun with it. What would you really truly like to do? And go for the feeling! 

       How are you feeling now that you won the lottery? 

            What does it feel like to captain your own boat on the open water?

Imagine crossing the finish line of your first triathlon, family and friends cheering you on. You did it! 

            It’s opening night at the gallery and you’re the featured artist.

You’re on the bestseller list. Congratulations!

Allow yourself to feel what you would feel like when these dreams become reality. And who knows, what if even just a small part of what you dream about actually happened?

Just sayin’

Power vs Force

There is a lot of anger, confusion, and fear around what happened at the Capitol last week.  It got me thinking about Power vs Force.

The invasion was an exercise, an example, of force. The ending result was an example of power. The power of a process, and belief in that process that has lasted centuries and has led this country to be a global power. 

An oak tree is an example of power. It just sits there and grows, providing shade, beauty, homes for animals, and effortlessly does what oaks do. It withstands the force of all manner of storms and continues peacefully existing. It is power.          

Storms happen, and we’ve experienced that temporary release of energy. It is a powerful force. Sometimes the tree gets damaged but doesn’t die. It just stands there in its power and effortlessly continues to grow. Over time it becomes more beautiful and interesting in its own way. That life power is stronger than any force. 

I know, man can come and cut it down, remove its roots and completely kill it. Man has used lots of force over the years to do that and more. Maybe not one of our best attributes.

Events created by Force are like dark clouds & quickly pass. 
Events created by Power radiate light and are everlasting. 

Are you in touch with your power? 
Imagine what beauty and light you are capable of

Happy 2021

Happy New Year, Happy 2021, Happy to be Hear How!  There’s a lot to think about, a lot to ruminate on, a lot to share, and I probably will, later. For now, I’m keeping it simple. 

Look where we are! We got here. We have proven that there is nothing we can’t do. There is nothing we can’t overcome. Take a minute, look back at what you’ve accomplished, and sit with that. Good on ya!

As we turn over that fresh page on the calendar, we look at the future with new optimism, renewed hope, an updated vision, and knowing that we can, what’s stopping you now? You got this!

Just sayin’