More Energy

Last week we, touched on energy. I’ve been thinking about it, so I thought I’d share. Energy is all there is, everywhere, always. It cannot be created or destroyed, only modified. It takes all different forms, it vibrates at different frequencies. We are energy.  Our bodies, everything in them. Even our reactions to life are energetically informed.   Are you aware of your energy?   What does it feel like?   What is the energy I am giving off right now?

Energy in humans has been mapped out from very low to very high based on vibration. One of the lowest energies is apathy. Apathy could be created to avoid pain caused by feeling like a victim or feeling hopeless. We might say ‘I never win anything’ or ‘I could never do that’ or ‘I could never be that’. Those thoughts hurt, so we withdraw to a place of apathy, and it doesn’t hurt so much. When was the last time you withdrew, maybe to protect yourself from a sense of overwhelm?

Next up is anger. Anger rates higher than apathy because it creates action. It seems like anger might be perceived as a bad energy. There is no such thing as good or bad energy. Energy just is. It’s how we experience it, and ultimately how we use it.   Anger is a very powerful, short burst energy. We can’t sustain it for very long, but it actually can be used for good. For instance, If we are angry about something we are inclined to take action. And depending on what we do, that’s a good thing, yes?  That is an example of using a lower level of energy to your advantage.

There are more levels that I will be exploring and sharing with you. For now, notice your thoughts. I know we don’t like to consider ourselves as victims, but what if you thought, even fleetingly, something like ‘of course that would happen to me’? you might say, hmmmm. Is there really a small amount of that in me? Now that you’re aware of it, what might you like to do about that stinkin’ thinkin’?

At the end of the day, when you understand how energy works, you can modify it in yourself and show up in life the way you want to, on purpose.
Just sayin’


Energy is all around everywhere in everything always. It cannot be created it cannot be destroyed, though it can be changed. Einstein measured it by E=MC2. Newton measured the energy of gravity. Scientists have measured how much energy is needed to send a rocket from into space. Kind of amazing when you think about it. 

I bet you’ve felt the energy of anticipation while waiting for the big game or a concert.  There is a different more subtle kind of energy at a wedding. What about the energy in a room you just walked into? Sometimes it’s buzzing, upbeat, happy. Sometimes it’s heavy, dark, draining, and you’re feeling, ‘I can’t wait to get out of here’!

Sometimes we’re full of energy and ready to go and sometimes all we wanna do is sit on the couch and watch stupid TV.

It makes sense that when you understand how energy works, or at least how it feels, and how to identify and modify it in yourself, you are better able to accomplish the visions you have for your life.

I have an idea. Pay attention to what’s going on around you. Can you feel the energy? How does that make you feel? Can you put a name to what you’re feeling? Can you change your energy, hopefully from feeling down to being more up?

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could on purpose be more upbeat, more positive, and more in control of how we show up in the world? We actually do have the power to control our own energy. They say that, energetically, like attracts like. Therefore we could attract more of what we like to us.

Wouldn’t that be cool? 

                                                         Just sayin’


How do you recharge? Last month we touched on relaxing, but there is a difference between recharging and relaxing. Being relaxed makes it easier for us to get through the storms of our lives. The visual being the bending of the palm trees in the hurricane. The tree says, what wind? I got this! (Smart tree)

Recharging is getting rejuvenated for whatever is next. This works even if, or especially if what’s next is the same thing as yesterday. Like work, for instance.  When we think of recharging we generally think of batteries. They get used up, we recharge them, and they are ready to go again. That’s how we are. We get used up. Exhausted. Beat. Spent. Toast. Done!  Then what? We have to Recharge. How? Bed? Shower? Massage? TV? Meditate? Spending time in nature. Walk on the beach? And sometimes our passions recharge us. What passions and hobbies do you have that recharge and rejuvenate you?

Here are some ideas that can help to recharge: Take breaks from things and people that bring you down. …Do something fun.  Spend time with close friends and family. … And to recharge your mind and your soul: Write out a list of your accomplishments. …  Let go of past mistakes. ……Take a break from technology.

Whatever it is for you and however you decide, life is much better when we are relaxed, rejuvenated and ready for,  whatever.

Relax and recharge.  And then…

Watch out world. 

Just sayin’