Let yourself dream – Big!

2021 sure has started out with a bang!  What did we expect?  Here’s an idea. Let’s focus on something else for a minute or two.

We are a little over 2 weeks into the new year. How many of you made -and/or broken- new year’s resolutions?  I remember these resolutions were things we probably ‘should’ do, lose weight, clean out the garage, read a book a day, feed the dog, that sort of thing. All good resolutions. Doing these would definitely enhance your life.

This year, let’s let our imaginations run wild. I’m encouraging you to make your dream resolution… what would you really really really like? That’s 3 reallys.  In comfort and privacy of your mind, what do you dream about, what situations do you picture yourself in, even though they might not make sense in ‘the real world’? Walk the Appalachian Trail? Take 2 months vacation instead of 2 weeks. Conduct a symphony? Quit your job. Attend a retreat in the Himalayas. Start that new business. Write that album/book/play. Sell your house and live on the road in an RV. See a baseball game in all 30 parks in one season …. Getting the idea?

And I get it. The dreams you have identified in your heart have Gotchas and Yeah-but’s built into them. Gotchas and Yeah-but’s. Those are technical terms.  It’s understandable that there are many things going on in our lives that make it not really prudent to do something like that – at this time.

But, what if you allowed yourself to dream. The genie says ‘your wish is my command. Dream big!  Dream from your heart, not just in your head. Put it out there. Have fun with it. What would you really truly like to do? And go for the feeling! 

       How are you feeling now that you won the lottery? 

            What does it feel like to captain your own boat on the open water?

Imagine crossing the finish line of your first triathlon, family and friends cheering you on. You did it! 

            It’s opening night at the gallery and you’re the featured artist.

You’re on the bestseller list. Congratulations!

Allow yourself to feel what you would feel like when these dreams become reality. And who knows, what if even just a small part of what you dream about actually happened?

Just sayin’